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Old November 20, 2005, 05:27 PM
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Originally posted by Orpheus
Not all rich people acquire wealth via illegal means, many do. So I don't agree with you. I would think a LOT of those money are from abroad. [/i]
the fact that you dont pay tax (most of them dont like it or not) when you are filthy rich, is by itself an illigal mean of retaining money that should have been paid to goverment...

when i was in dhaka i used to be in this posh school where atleast 60 percent of the kids comes from wealthy background......10 percent of them were filthy rich nd had no ends to access to marujiana, smuggling connection, dad is some mp in of them, a class-mate of mine, was even studying for free the school fees coz his dad has connections with the tax office nd is fixing up the school so the school doesnt have to pay tax....

personally i am not against rich ppl and dream of being rich oneday....but seriously, in bangladesh, if u arent rich coz of the money flooding from overseas, then there is some thing fishy about you (in most cases, mind you, not all)....
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