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Old January 5, 2004, 08:21 PM
reinausagi reinausagi is offline
ODI Cricketer
Join Date: August 5, 2003
Location: El Paso, TX. USA
Posts: 813

I'm not one to cotton to conspiracy theories but, I don't think the Kenyans want to play us right now. Their claim to glory thus far has been that they can beat BD without breaking a sweat in ODI. The gap apparently has narrowed a tad, with the longer version of the game being a toss-up. Losing a series to the test babes serves no strategic purpose.

On the other hand, with their stars ageing however, this would be their last shot at easy series win against BD.

Perhaps closer to the approximate truth is the fact that with their administrative set-up in serious disarray, (The tug of war betweeen KCA and the sports ministry a.k.a. the indegenous vs the non-indegenous population is a veritable quagmire.) no one at the helm is willing to take the initiative and pick up the phone in Nairobi. The administrator's inability to quell a player's strike already cancelled the previous tour of BD to Kenya. If the administrators could have presented a united front, they would have told the players to taking a flying leap and played the "A' team, against guest they had invited to their home- not cancelled on them.
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