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Old March 11, 2006, 02:22 PM
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sar2005 sar2005 is offline
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Join Date: January 1, 2005
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Friends, we can make a hundread pages long thread on discussing or debating this issue. Why don't you tell then what exactly we want or need? How can we improve our local league? How should we groom the talents? What should be the qualification to enter in the national squad? etc. etc.

Between, I thought BanglaCool has a wonderful suggestion. Why don't BCB plan a scholarship program for the local young talents? Probably they can request support from Australia, England or South Africa and send around 5 players every year to play in their leagues. The players will be playing 2 years in their league and return upon completion of 2 years time. The BCB will choose if they are capable to join national camp.
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