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Old March 24, 2006, 09:46 PM
vindeshi vindeshi is offline
Join Date: February 6, 2005
Posts: 152
Default Hasen't been the best yet

Everytime if there's any BD player plays well or becomes the man of the match then many of us are so much overwhelmed that we actually label him with some of these nicks- "X is the ever Best Player in the team ever, 'X' will be probably the most talented bateman or the bowler of all time, 'X' shows the selectors that he hasen't finished yet, or even something like Now what's about the Anti-'X' supporters have to say now." So these are some of the many overwhelming comments we are labelling to our BD players. And these are evident in this cricket forum indeed.
If any of these so called 'X' players flopped or played horribly in one match, then the real extreme angerness is being visible. So the point I try to make is that we shoudn't be label these X players as the ever best because BD players are still in learning process. These current BD players have to play a lot of matches after which we can make a conclusion about their performance to be decribed whether he is the best in particular area of the game.
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