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Old April 20, 2006, 03:52 PM
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Sauron Sauron is offline
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I don't really care about knowing what are good threads, I can judge that myself when I read the thread. But on the other hand, there may be some value in knowing upfront that a thread is bad.

So, I am not opposed to the thread rating system. Good threads may use stars. But now that we are discussing the rating symbols, I have many suggestions for bad threads. Here are a couple of ideas:

HSS (Hammer Symbol System):
One hammer --> Bad.
You'll feel like someone hit you on the head after reading this thread.

Two hammers --> Terrible.
While reading this thread, you will feel like someone is hammering your head with two hammers in unison.

USS (Umbrella Symbol System):
One umbrella --> Bad
You will need an umbrella to shield yourself from all the sh!t that is going on this this thread.

Two umbrellas --> Terrible
With one umbrella, you will find it difficult to shield yourself from all the sh!t that is going on in this thread. You will need two umbrellas to protect yourself from both sides.
Of old there was Sauron the Maia...

Last edited by Sauron; April 20, 2006 at 04:08 PM..
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