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Old June 12, 2006, 06:17 AM
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Miraz Miraz is offline
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Originally Posted by thebest
We have another perfect score yesterday by Mr Cricket/ Abdul W in Holland - S&M game. In Iran match i was the only one who predicted the correct result though not the score line or score difference. Miraz is still leading but Abdul W and best is closing. Today would be an interesting day.
Here is current standing
Miraz 10
Best 9
Abdul W 8
Mr Cricket 6
Banglatiger 6
Tiger 1000 2
Cat's Eye 2
Tehsin 1
thebest can you clarify the point system a bit? Yesterday I have only one wrong prediction and two correct prediction (in one the winning margin of one goal is same), but only awarded three point

It nice to lead the game
You only play good cricket when you win/draw matches.
I am with Bangladesh, whether they win or lose .