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Old June 21, 2006, 12:20 PM
Ubiquitous Ubiquitous is offline
Club Cricketer
Join Date: June 20, 2006
Posts: 82

Invasion isn't the only answer - for example, the Japanese response that anything falling on Japan (spent missile casing for example) will be seen as an act of war will make them think twice. NK is making noises for the same reason Iran is - both know the US is stretched thin, and cannot commit everything. And the rest of the nations will not commit anything until attacked.

Incidentally, I also agree that China is a major regional pain in the a**. Not just NK - look at Burma too. That country is on a highway to hell (check out the recent BBC series if you have some time) and yet they survive because of Chinese support. But then I guess the good thing is you can't really accuse the Chinese of having double-standards.
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