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Old June 23, 2006, 09:07 PM
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Originally Posted by shahriyar
A bit disappointed. 45 views but only 6 replies including two from me. I had expected more people to voice their opinions against this sort of a social issue and was eager to see what kind of solutions they have to offer. So many members yet not enough point of views on the possible remedies !!!!
Don't worry shahrier bhai I am just gonna write about this matter and not too many people think about the social issues now a days!

The main problem is the moral degradation.Why today we kill people? Why people do commit serious crimes? Okay forget about the serious crimes just think about the way people behave now a days.Its terrible! I believe you understand what I am trying to say. A good bunch of children becomes a good nation one day - we all know this. So the moral education what they recieve in their early age builds their foundation.

The fate is decided of any human being in their early age. We go to schools and colleges and we go there to learn something. But the main question is what we learn there? We only learn what is what and how to pass the exams. We just get the things by heart and just write it in the exam hall. So by so doing do we do any good to us? Not at all. Today if we look at our education system then we can find the same story is going on in most of the places. So why this education system? Iam talking about our country. Why we have gone morally so down today? Why we have no respect for each other? Why we always tyr to dominate over another person so often? There is a big question mark, and we need to find a way to answer this question.

I truly believe morality grows in a person when he/she goes to the school and it grows in a great extent when he/she finishes his schooling. I am taking the schools into consideration because this is the place where we learn all kinds of manner, we understand each other while studying in the acadamy. After finishing the schooling there are little things to learn about manner or morality. Yes true, there is no limit of learning but everything has a certain level and I am talking about this level. When we finish the schooling then we expect that those people coming from the schools and colleges would be morally good. But in fact whats is happening today? We see bad people knocking in the door, lack of respect for elders, unbalanced society.

If I continue then there are lots to write but I have just mentioned one source of the problem. I will write more about this very soon.

ওইখানে আমিও আছি /যেইখানে সূর্য উদয়/প্রিয়দেশ পাল্টে দেবো/তুমি আর আমি বোধহয়/কমরেড, তৈরি থেকো/গায়ে মাখো আলতা বরণ/আমি তুমি আমি তুমি/এভাবেই লক্ষ চরণ
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