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Old July 11, 2006, 10:24 AM
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Miraz Miraz is offline
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Materazzi is well known for his dirty acts and tricks,

In a single season with Everton Materazzi managed to clock up three red cards and 12 yellows. Materazzi was captured on camera viciously elbowing Juan Pablo Sorin of Villarreal in a Champions League clash last season.

From his interview with Italian newspaper,

"I held his shirt, for only a few seconds," said Materazzi, who had scored Italy's equaliser after Zidane put France ahead from the penalty spot.
"He turned towards me and scoffed at me, looking at me with super arrogance, up and down.
"He said 'if you really want my shirt, you can have it later.' "It's true, I shot back with an insult."

Now FIFA is investigating what really happened. I hope FIFA find out the truth. I agree with Keith Hackett, head of referees in England, who said that if it can be proved that Matterazzi racially abused Zidane, then Fifa should take retrospective action for "the good of the game".
You only play good cricket when you win/draw matches.
I am with Bangladesh, whether they win or lose .