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Old July 11, 2006, 10:58 AM
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Carte Blanche Carte Blanche is offline
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There is a difference between an unsportsmanlike conduct and an assault. What Todd Bertuzzi did to Steve Moore was an assault. He was kicked out, his salary was forfeited, and he faces lawsuits and damage charges. What Zidane did, was a shameful display of temper. It deserved a red card. He was handed so. He accept it without dissent and left. Justice served.

Or is it? That is just one half of the story. Zidane got what he deserved (despite the controversy surrounding the replays). But did Matterazzi get what he deserved? If the allegations are true, FIFA must take harsh and exemplary measures. We are talking of moral justice here, hopefully more. It beats me why you are being blind towards his provocation, which I'll admit requires confirmation. But common sense and dozens of media reports tell us that his provocation was in extremely poor taste and should not be tolerated at the sport. Comprende?

As for taunting, if Freddie calls Langer a wanker, it's no big deal. When Lehmann racially insults Ranatunga, it is NOT acceptable. In fact he was banned for 5 matches. I'm sure you are intelligent enough to decide on Zidane's case.
Benign is what you will be after you be eight.