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Old November 5, 2006, 02:24 AM
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Kabir Kabir is offline
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Your question about why Golam Mabud isn't included in the team reminds me of a similar question Miraz bhai asked why don't we include Mashfiq in this discussion.

What we finally figured is that, there is a general disagreement about whether Pilot can be replaced by someone who hasn't shown his talent yet. But then again, how can someone show their talent unless they're given a chance to. That apart, replacing Pilot isn't going to be easy before the WC. My speculation is that this is the same way that the team will continue until the WC. After that, senior players may be removed...including Rafiq. This will make space for new players to be accomodated in the team.

If new players are brought in at this time, BD team will fail to perform even to what extent they are performing now (meaning, they're already under-performing now). The current strategy is this: send in as many "mature" player as possible, because sending players with zero international level exposure will not help.

And to reiterate on your thought as to we need more of SN type players, yes we really do. Having said that, I meant players who have worked their way up. We don't want another Ashraful who just got put in the team, without proper exposure at different levels. Doing that won't generate new players as much as it will get rid of potential talents.
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