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Old December 6, 2006, 09:20 AM
Arnab Arnab is offline
Cricket Legend
Join Date: June 20, 2002
Posts: 6,069

Originally Posted by thebest
Arnab Bhai,
But what I find double standard is that no body give a damn about musholini or Stalin.
Yes, but Stalin has made only one post and musholini has posted only cricket related non-controversial posts with close to zero noise. So they are under our (and probably everyone else's) radar.

Like I said, we only deal with issues after they reach a certain noise level. That's the overriding principle for us admins/moderators: Don't ruin the experience of reading and posting in a generally civil environment. But we also trust in people's abilities to behave within the rules that you agreed to when you joined the forum (especially the one which says the Admin and the mod's decision will be final).
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