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Old December 27, 2006, 05:30 AM
PoorFan PoorFan is offline
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Originally Posted by BBgun
You are disillusioned my friend. Indian people are not implementing their plan on their own will fully. They are a part of a global economy, hence they are more vulnerable to what other people want. Not to mention WB and IMF and their SAPs.
Well, unfortunately can not agree with this logic. Globalization is there for a long time, and will remain now on, with some additional rules or restriction whatever. It's not sound logical ... saying we are playing football not on our will, but because we are just happened to be a part FIFA or AFC. Some pressure does exist there, but all are part of the game.

In the long run this inequality does not have to decrease. Proper distribution policies, according to neoclassicals hinder growth rate and will not be implemented. ALso, by transfering money from the rich to the poor you are taking away teir digninty, the only thing they have. It gets compicated. (Read Sens and yunus's work). A well planned economic growth process can achieve both. After all the WB nw realises taht economic equality actually helps growth.
More or less agree with this part.

FInally, AFrica does not have a lot of people. China and India do. So, they contain most of the worlds poor. Higher growth rates in Africa will not reduce half of worlds povety
I said poverty, not poor, don't know exact number though, but assumed nearly half of poverty people live in Africa.