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Old March 28, 2004, 10:15 PM
fab fab is offline
Test Cricketer
Join Date: June 30, 2003
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Brainy music? hehe Arnie, get over yourself dude..

Anyway, as I said, yes their (i.e. Liszt, Rachmaninoff et al) compositions are very complex, but to ME they are NOT beautiful music. Yes, these pieces do make you sit in awe at the brilliance of both composer and musician, but it is hardly something you can listen to more than once (because it is not aurally pleasing) and hence get to know its intricacies better. The Liszt pieces I have heard, feels like aggressive music, which I don't appreciate. Also, I think the fact that the woman playing in your 'audio visual experience' is so gorgeous AND graceful makes viewing her play Liszt more enjoyable, rather than the piece itself. Kudos to Valentina.

Anyhow, since music is so subjective, how about we just agree to disagree on this one?
Did Liszt compose any symphonies? I've only heard piano pieces by him.

Btw, Chopin's music can hardly be called 'simplistic, catchy, melodic or repetitive'. If you think so, then obviously have not heard much of his work.

[Edited on 29-3-2004 by fab]
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