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Old April 24, 2007, 02:28 PM
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Club Cricketer
Join Date: April 10, 2006
Posts: 180

Originally Posted by Tigers_eye
It is from experience. The talent drain begins at an early age. Dominican Republic, Porto Rico are the two biggest contributors to Major League Baseball (USA). The money in Minor leagues in US is more than what even the national team cricketers make in a year. Ofcourse Manny Ramirez makes over 22 million per year. The whole WI board can't make that much in 5 years years. In all time highest paid salary earned, there are 14 players borned in Porto Rico, Dominican Republic. manny's total income (just salaries not sponsership) to date is 126 million. Sosa's 123 Mill, Perdo Martinez 120 Mill, Carlos Delgado 103 Mill, Ivan Rodriguez 92 Mill I can go on and on.

Even in little league World series many boys (under 12) gets to show case their talent and the scouts move them to states. school becomes free ride. The Highest paid Cricket team in the World Australia can't even dream of matching these players (single) income. Let alone the sponsership money.

Which parents in sane mind would ask their kids to play cricket when Baseball provides financial security that would cover next 10 generations? Heck a minor league career can earn 10 times more of what Bravo and them make.

Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic etc are of Hispanic heritage - and "Spanish West Indies" are/were never big in cricket. I don't know of any cricketers that have come from the "Spanish West Indies" areas.

Cricket is played in mostly Caribbean nations with English heritage - Jamaica, Trinidad etc .

Here's a Quote from Wikipedia that shows the cultural division within West Indies.

[edit] Historical groupings
Main article: History of the Caribbean
Most islands at some point were, or still are, colonies of European nations:

Spanish West Indies - Cuba, Hispaniola (present-day Dominican Republic, and until 1609, Haiti), Puerto Rico, Jamaica (until 1655), the Cayman Islands, Trinidad (until 1797) and Bay Islands (until 1643)

French West Indies - Anguilla (briefly), Antigua and Barbuda (briefly), Dominica (briefly), Dominican Republic (briefly), Grenada (briefly), Haiti, Montserrat (briefly), Saint Lucia (briefly), Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (briefly), Sint Eustatius (briefly), St Kitts (briefly), Tobago (briefly), Saint Croix (briefly), the current French overseas départements of Martinique and Guadeloupe (including Marie-Galante, La Désirade and Les Saintes), and the current French overseas collectivities of Saint Barthelemy and Saint Martin.

British West Indies/Anglophone Caribbean - Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bay Islands, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica (from 1655), Montserrat, Saint Croix (briefly), Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago (from 1797) and the Turks and Caicos Islands

Danish West Indies - present-day United States Virgin Islands

Dutch West Indies - present-day Netherlands Antilles and Aruba, Virgin Islands, Saint Croix (briefly), Tobago and Bay Islands (briefly)

Swedish West Indies - present-day French Saint-Barthélemy.

Portuguese West Indies- present-day Barbados, known as Los Barbados in the 1500s when the Portuguese occupied the island during the same time as Brazil. However, the Portuguese abandoned Barbados in 1533, nearly a century prior to the British arrival on the island.

The mostly Spanish-controlled Caribbean in the sixteenth centuryThe British West Indies were formerly united by the United Kingdom into a West Indies Federation. The independent countries which were once a part of the B.W.I. still have a unified composite cricket team that successfully competes in test matches and one-day internationals. The West Indian cricket team includes the South American nation of Guyana, the only former British colony on that continent.

In addition, these countries share the University of the West Indies as a regional entity. The university consists of three main campuses in Jamaica, Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago, a smaller campus in the Bahamas and Resident Tutors in other contributing territories.
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