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Old April 29, 2007, 05:37 AM
GoldenAsif GoldenAsif is offline
Join Date: April 8, 2007
Posts: 297

Yeah they do that.

When I was younger there was a famous athlete here in the UK called Linford Christie and in one TV programme a black lady said when he is successful the media always talked about him being British etc etc. However when he wasn't or when he did something wrong it was Jamaican-born Linford Christie.

Shame the WC ended like this. This WC kind of reminds me of the film "Cool runnings" in the way how comical, unpredictable and wild somethings were and with a West Indian flavour.

What really makes all of this shameful is that 1 billion people in India were really passionate about this WC, hundreds of millions of people watched it on TV and despite this the ICC produces garbage organization like this.

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