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Old July 4, 2007, 01:21 AM
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AsifTheManRahman AsifTheManRahman is offline
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Originally Posted by Zunaid
Very good points. We should never generalize. We should forgive when the heart is true. But we should never forget.

Are people responsible for the sins of their fathers? Yes, when the sins go unacknowledged, unrepented, uncondemmed and even unknown.

Legalese has a simple terminology for this: "accessories after the fact".

I do not wish to hold Pakistanis of the current generation responsible for acts committed by other Pakistanis even before they were born were or old enough to have tried to stop the genocide. I do wish that they would acknowledge and accept the fact of what did happen in those 25 years of Pakistani yoke on Bangladesh.

The Germans of today are not held responsible for the Nazis. But, the German nation has apologized for the acts committed by them, and made every effort to make amends for the actions of people with whom a majority of the Germans do not have anything in common.

I too shall stop here as I have taken this thread to paths scarier than most are willing to traverse.
My sentiments exactly. My neural network too, will dig up 1971 when you plug in "Pakistan", although I haven't experienced it first hand.

But does that mean I hold anyone of the current generation responsible? Does that mean I have no Pakistani friends? No and no.

I think some of the comments on this thread regarding the correlation of Pakistan to the events of 1971 are getting misinterpreted here. These are facts, and not questions of racism and/or hatred towards Pakistanis of today.

A public apology and general acknowledgement/realization would have greatly helped. Unfortunately, none of that has happened. For a nation that has had to suffer so much, forgetting history may not always be an option, although forgiving the guilty could be, given the proper circumstances, which unfortunately haven't arisen.
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