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Old September 10, 2007, 02:03 PM
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Sauron Sauron is offline
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To me it's simple - Whether someone will fast or not is between him and Allah.

If someone acts tired on the field then we can only speculate whether it is because he is fasting or not. But I don't think any of our pathetic losses were ever connected to our boys not eating food or not drinking water.

By the same token, if someone performs below par (be it because of fasting or not) he should be treated accordingly. Fasting should not be an excuse for performing poorly. Now each player needs to make their own choice.

Also, remember - working is a form of ibadot. Allah expects one to perform their daily work effectively & honestly i.e. with integrity and professionalism.

If a player feels that he must fast and fasting will impact his ability to perform his best, then he should recuse himself from playing. And if the player feels that he can fast and perform his best, then all the power to him.

Of old there was Sauron the Maia...
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