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Old March 25, 2008, 02:28 PM
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Fazal Fazal is offline
Cricket Sage
Join Date: September 16, 2004
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Dump that bum and be a free bird again .... ...................

Just kidding.

Few things to consider:

 During pregnancy women goes through lots of changes both physically, chemically as well as emotionally. That’s why this may not be the right time to make any life changing decision.

 It’s important that you keep your body and mind healthy and happy for the sake of the yet to be born baby.

 People say that after child birth, people changes. You should give a chance and see how things changes.

 Do some sole searching. Ask you self how much you want him. Can you accept him as he is? If not what are the things that he must change to make this relationship stick? Write it down what bothers you, what you like about him.

 After the birth of your child at some point you need to talk with him, most likely somewhere else alone where you two can discuss your issues.

 Tell him what bothers him. What he must change to make this relationship work.
 Ask him what bothers him? Then think how much you can change to make him happy. And sort out what are the things that you cannot change. Then let him know and see how he feels about it.
 Control your emotion. If emotion get too much into it, then arrange for another time to discuss

 After this discussion if you still want him, but you two couldn't resolve, then try marriage counselor or common friend that you two respect to work as a mediator. Give it a last try.

 If nothing works, talk with few people that you respect. Take their opinion as well as their advice.

 Try your best to make it happen. As long as you are convinced that you tried your best, that’s good enough.

 Don't stick with 'no-win' situation. Things doesn't miraculously solve by itself. Either you need to work on and fix it, or move on with your life when you are convinced that its not fixable. It’s never too late (in life), never think you are stuck in a 'no-win' situation or opportunity lost for ever. Its up to you to make up your own life a pleasant one .... with or without your husband.

 Life always looks greener in the other side. Problem will continue to come in life, you need to learn how to deal with it. Sometime it means trying to fix the problem by staying, other times it may be better to cut losses and move on with your life.
 Nobody but only you and few of your nearest and dearest one knows what is best for you. Don’t bother with “what other people will think”. Its what you think that matters most.

 Nobody is irreplaceable. With time wound heals, spring comes after winter and new flower blossoms in almost dead trees...

Don't give up ... fight for your own happiness…. Nobody will give it to you… you need to earn it… every time you loose it..

I hope it helps....
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