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Old May 26, 2008, 02:58 AM
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sunny747 sunny747 is offline
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Originally Posted by BANFAN
None disagees that they didn't win a lots of matches, they didn't have the technical ability, they even weren't good enough to win the ICC trophy. But it was there sincerity, commitment and the desire to do better than what they were and that was vissible.

The current lot has better skill, better talent and ability. They just don't have the commitment, sincerity and the desire to perform. These are displayed not only at the international level, equally at the domestic level as well.

It makes a lot of difference winning against the associates; now and then. The oldies with their limitations ensured that we are in the test arena, the current generation is responsible to atleast retain that.

Right brothers just created a junk and The first generation of Neuclear bombs are crap by today's standard. The cric team of India (or any country when they began) in 50-60 would lose with todays Ind team, 100 out of 100 times. But they are more respected coz that was difficult. Their next generation haven't failed to take it ahead, unlike ours.

I know, have to have patience. But direct compariosn between the past and present and disregarding them, really shows how much we deserve.
Spot on.
i was writing something similar to this and i saw your post.
I would easily swap the current team with old one. At least they had responsibilities, knows how to talk and well educated.
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