Thread: Golf
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Old June 17, 2008, 09:48 AM
Arnab Arnab is offline
Cricket Legend
Join Date: June 20, 2002
Posts: 6,069

Originally Posted by Tigers_eye
Arnab go join Mother Teresa's organization and use your God given Money, energy and brain wisely. What makes you different than a hypocrite?
How so? I criticize golf, so I am a hypocrite? You golf fans are strange.

How can one even defend golf other than the money factor? Golf is a game that literally, yes, literally constitutes "a walk in the park" most of the time. You play a shot, it hits the fairway/rough/bunkers/whatever/who cares, then you light up a cigar, sip a little coffee, chat and joke with your caddy, take a walk in the park and then think hard for 5 minutes, then take your next shot, the wind carries it over to the wrong place. Whoops! Oh well, no worries, you take another walk in the park, listen to the chirping of the birds, take as much time as you can, look a little thoughtful, and make the next shot. What tension! What stress! What an adrenaline rush! At the end of the day, you get big bucks thanks to generous corporate sponsors. And a worldwide recognition because of TV channels that are owned by the same corporations. A very, very nice "sport" indeed.

I have got to give it to Tiger though. He is a classy showman. He doesn't need the muscles. He doesn't need the woohoos, nor the fist pumps. It's frigging golf. He just beat a 45 year old Rocco Mediate (who?) for a major, that too with a bad knee. That's as tough as it gets in golf. But he makes it look like it's a mighty struggle. It's as if he got elbowed in the face on the football pitch, as if a tennis ball is coming at him at 127 miles an hour, it's as if he did a full length dive and picked up a catch on a cricket field. He looks so thoughtful before a putt, as if he is playing chess, thinking about the next 5 moves and playing 3 opponents at a time. Truly exhilarating stuff.
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