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Old July 16, 2008, 04:11 AM
abu2abu abu2abu is offline
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To be honest I fail to see how this scheme will work.

We all know that Dhaka club cricket is played at a much higher level than the NCL (perhaps because of the number of international players, from both BD and abroad, participating). So if we are going to improve our performance for tests, shouldn't we have 4 day games? i fail to see how a 2-day 90 over event will help us perform in test matches.

Originally Posted by akabir77
People (Read young) r forgetting something here. If you can play TEST you can do play any kind of cricket. This 90 over game is to improve our TEST players not for ODIs and 20/20.

Anyway main thing is we need to do every thing we can to improve our TEST players then every thing will fall into places...
Again, i fail to see how playing 90 overs over two days will help us in test matches played over 5 days. The obvious solution is to replicate the NCL (4-day games) but with the far superior dhaka club sides...
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