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Old September 9, 2008, 02:43 AM
checkmate checkmate is offline
First Class Cricketer
Join Date: May 10, 2007
Posts: 294

Originally Posted by BANFAN
TE, he had the license in DW era while he had some successes as well and he would probably improve his percentage of good score with time. But for last about a year, he isn't having that freedom, that has dried his runs completely. he is confused than ever before. Atleast if he has the freedom, he will know what he has to do.

No comparison with the skills and maturity of Sanath or Viru, but one would expect that, had he been allowed to continue with his own way, he would learn to be more effective in doing that. Once his style has been tampered with, that has only left him more confused, it's not doing anything good for him.
Well if u watch those matches where ash was a success, u will see he was dropped early in the innings.most of the time he got those score during his second chance.he was dopped at Cardiff and on his 94 against England.also against West Indies in the T20 World cup.the only inning he played well was against SA, where he first settled down then played aggressivly,i dont think anyone is trying to stop his natural play,but telling him how to be more effective by being controlled in the beginning of the innings.its his fault if he cant adjust to it...and i think we are here to blame, coz we have given him too much of love and freedom.its like a mother who loves his child so much and doesnt sees his mistake.which eventually turns out ill for the child.we need to be a bit critical about it.let our head rule not our emotions
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