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Old September 11, 2008, 10:47 PM
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Fazal Fazal is offline
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Join Date: September 16, 2004
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Another possible questions,

2. How low is low enough for him to say "Enough is Enough..."

3. Whats is his philosophy about a players role in the team? Should the player should allowed to play his natural team even at that mean sacrificing team interest? Or a player need to sacrifice his comfort and play according to team's need at the time?

4. Do he think that senior players like him should have more responsibility to stabilizing the batting order or all batsman should have equal responsibility.

5. Do you think young players like Tamim, Sakib, Juniad, etc should be allowed to play their natural game and that the way they should grow Or do you think they need to know how to build the innings first?
And how senior players like Him and Aftab is helping these young players?

6. How often do you go to bathroom? Do you have stomach cramp or problem with bowl movement? If so do you take laxative? If so, do you take it during game day?

7. Do you know the difference between these? Aggressive and suicidal ?

8. Do you know the meaning of accountability ?
"Make Bangladesh Cricket Great Again"

Last edited by Fazal; September 11, 2008 at 10:54 PM..
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