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Old September 16, 2008, 03:19 AM
soccer20reverse soccer20reverse is offline
First Class Cricketer
Join Date: February 20, 2007
Posts: 437

Ashraful will not leave. Matter of fact, in a matter of 30 days, everyone will forget all about this and cheer on Ashraful and the BD team against New Zeland. I still have a feeling that we are jumping under conclusions without knowing the whole story. I have faith in Ashraful as I always did. I stood by him when people said that he didnt deserve to be captain. I stood by him when people said he slapped a guy. I stood by him when people called him too fat. And you know what, I am standing by him for this too. If Ashraful leaves for ICL, which he wont, I will call it the end for the Bangladeshi cricket team. We will fall flat just like the Zimbabwean Cricket team, which at their place of collapse was at a much higher position then that of the current Bangladeshi Team. Faith! Faith! Faith!
Faith that if Ashraful have approached the players, he probably approached them about ICL but unknowingly or jokingly. Like a little kid, he had no idea of what was going to be the outcome of the team. We stood by the Bangladeshi team for far too long to believe at a single disaster that its all over. Bangladesh will pull out of it stronger and go on to beat NZ in their first match. Faith and Hope are all we have as Bangladeshi fans. Lets hope we aren't dissapointed off the field like we are consistently dissapointed on the field.
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