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Old October 5, 2008, 11:53 AM
Banglatiger84 Banglatiger84 is offline
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Originally Posted by Tehsin
How is this NEWS? I thought it was an acceptable practice in the ME. Don't know why miskins and infidals don't just leave this heaven bound Arabs alone. They allow folks to clean the streets, bathrooms, and work in general services. what more do they want?
While there were similar sporadic cases in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, Qatar projects itself as a very progressive country, they are also treated very well by the USA (for allowing hosting of their forces) .....

Let no one be fooled by the false cover put up by Qatar........
and if you bring this up in front of a Qatari, the response is likely to be:

\whatever happens in the gulf countries is nothing compared to the amount of hate, racism, discrimination ...etc that goes around all the time in america. This is because such ugly things run in your stinking american blood on the day you are born

Last edited by Banglatiger84; October 5, 2008 at 12:39 PM..
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