Thread: From Stadium
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Old October 9, 2008, 11:35 AM
thebest thebest is offline
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Default From Stadium

সংগ্রামী অভিনন্দন . Returned from Stadium around six and our throats are too tired to talk; bodies are too tired too type. Just took an ice bath and trying to share our experience to be the part of the history. And all the credits of arranging this should go to Nocturnal. I am now sure why our Canadian BCers could not organize their get together. Because their organizer is in Dhaka .
It all started on 20th Sept 2008 when some of BCer met in Star . Noc casually ask if any of us want to go to the match. Instantly if I remember correctly Rabz and I agreed. The rest you know from Noc's thread.
yesterday, when I went to bed it was raining cats and dogs. Even when I wake up it was drizzling (around 6:30). But by the time I get out of my house it stopped raining but there is thick cloud in the sky. Around eight Noc, Yaseer, Mac, SM Hasan and I are already in Stadium area. We were joined by some of Noc's friend. Soon Samicreep joined us (but he left us as soon as he get into the stadium). We went to the gate around 8:30.
And BCB sucks again. They would not allow us to get into stadium. There are around 50 people in the gate and nobody was allowed as high ups did not give them the permission to allow spectator in the stadium. Though there was a toss and play would start in schdule time (at the time we did not know). In this time SM Hasan and I were get into an argument with one BCB official. Even at that time he was arguing that play would start at 11 and why so rush? And we actually belive him as there was too much rain yesterday. Some of us were arguing you want a stampade and at last good sense prevail (BTW in other galleres specataors entry were unhindered). At last we get into the Stadium around 8:45 and soon Rabz with some of his friends joined us.
Just at nine the game started. At the time there was not many. In our gallery there would be less than five hundred people and in the whole stadium there was not more than five thousand people. People were too pessimestic. And after Russel were clobbered spectator's confidence gone down.
But the stadium come into life once Mash striked. The stadium became a fortress. Every moment were cheered by thousands of us. Noc became our poster boy; because whenever he went out to recieve one of his missing friend to the gate, we got a wicket. By the time Vettori came he was facing an aggresive crowd who would cheer every Bangladeshi move and jeer every kiwi attempt. People were appreciating Ash for keeping a Slip and some of us arguing why Ash was not putting a silly mid off and why bowlers are not giving flight.
Stadium was came into standstill when Mash was hit by loader. Actually some of us did not watch match; instead we were trying to figure out what is going on with Mash. Some start to curse BCB. The biggest clap in the stadium was heard when Mash reentered. However, Stadium became too silent when Vet-Oram was doing their repairing job. With each passing over our hope was evaporating. It came to its lowest when Oram hit that masive six. It was such brutal force. It landed in the second tier. Even Vet's out did not cheer up. But it went to sky rocket when Mash came back and Riyad (it was not Shahadat as mention in match thread) put down the catch (it went for the six); Fortunately he took it in the next ball; You would hear the largest swear words when Nayeem drop the lolly.
But still we were reasonably happy. Most of us thought that it is chaseble unless we messed up. From the 20th Sept I was shouting that we are going to win this match; I was quite confidant that we could pull it up. Rabz quoted " We would win by Seven Wickets".
Between the innings we gracefully say good bye to Pilot. The whole stadium saluted one of the true fighter by clapping and giving him a standing ovation. He returned the favour in a true sportsman way.
We find that Bangladesh team was so eager to win the game. The openers were actually waiting for the umpires and NZ players to get into field. And the boy Tamim start the procedding with a wonderful on drive and stadium came into standstill when Tamim failed. However most of the crowd appreacite that it was Mushy not Ash in the middle. Mush - Z played intelligently and without any risk. Our confidance again sky rocketed but in our mind we are still feeling that the dreaded collapse is around. Mushy was applauded for the six but probably Zunaid's four over long on was more appreciated as it came after long break. When Ash was batting almost everyone's heart was in the mouth; we start to curse Z when he was trying to play extravagent shot close to his 50 and after his 50. By the time, Ash hit the six we know we are home and we start partying in the gallery.
RABZ: We would win by Seven Wicket
RABZ'S FRIEND: We are the official Swearing and Cursing Sponsor
A NEIGHBOR OF US: Don't talk about those traitors name in this stadium (When I talked about Aftab and Dhiman
Nocturnal: Thank you ICL for taking out our weed
Twenty20 is not a gentleman's game. It's like a one-night stand and not a marriage. It is a street format and the goonda doesn't know what is a late cut or a cover drive
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