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Old August 30, 2004, 07:09 AM
sadhat sadhat is offline
Test Cricketer
Join Date: February 15, 2004
Location: Fargo, ND, USA
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Originally posted by Trueblue
You've blown it guys. I've been following events as a Scottish cricket supporter and contacted the site when I saw the problems with the initial comments on the live pages about Bangladesh cricket. They have let me know that the page was hacked into and that those and the subsequent comments have meant that the live coverage provided yesterday will not happen today.

The service was provided without anticipating that a cricket follower would hack into it. Associate countries operate on a shoestring by the way. So those that subsequently hacked in to comments on previous comments HAVE NOT HELPED!

Since I believe this mechanism would have been the same one that MIGHT have been used for the Scotland games as well I presume that similar live coverage of those games may not happen either.
Why dont you give us update here!
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