Thread: n-Tier Again
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Old September 7, 2004, 11:37 AM
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fwullah fwullah is offline
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1. National players will get some much needed rest
2. The injury to national (regular) players will be less
3. The BCB will be able to stage domestic tournaments without too much interference from International cricket
4. The national players will be able to get to play in domestic cricket if there is a break for a couple of months between 2 tours and thus get the experience of domestic matches
5. The national players will get some time to rectify their technical flawed skills


1. Our national players will get less exposure to International cricket (and the exposure to International environment like those of England/South Africa/ Australia) than they are getting at the moment
2. The Bangladesh team is currently playing well in each 2 alternative tours/tournaments, if there is such a system where the team will get less international matches to play, then the team's current good form may disappear
3. The national players who are now in good form, they may lose their form if the time between two tours is too long
4. The national players who are now in the 20s, they may lose some valuable time (may be 1 or 2 years) to the break rather than having to play in more International matches against stronger teams and thus have the opportunity to find out the weaknesses and strenghts of themselves

P.S. while writing the benefits, I found out a vital point: if our 'A' team has the same players playing in the national team, then there won't be any break for our national team players. So in those cases, there will be no benefit.

If you can think of any more points, please feel free to add.
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