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Old January 19, 2009, 12:08 AM
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Akib Akib is offline
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Originally Posted by gunda
Its junaid's and tamim's fault .. these 2 sheeps played defensively making no runs and then got them selves out, that builds pressure straight away to the next batsmen etc..
these two needs to be dropped, tamim thinks his invincible he can't be drooped. and that other geezer junaid WTF his crap got no technique at all why is he getting so much opputunity's?
BCB needs to seriously change and sort out the openers, imrul is crap also a defensive player
we need 2 good aggresive openers who can put 40-50 runs each, trust me than the whole team will follow.

We probably have the worst opening pair ever.... Wow. Like we can blame ash for the fielding choice... but u cant blame him for the shittyness of our opening pair.

Here's to praying for a sakib 7 for 7.
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