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Old January 22, 2009, 04:37 PM
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Kabir Kabir is offline
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The problem with the west is that, in the name of 'liberalism', they've hurt Christianity beyond imagination. And why did it go that far? Simply because, in the name of 'liberalism', this was allowed.

Mockery of religious figures like Jesus, Prophet Mohammad, and many others have happened. The only exception being, when it came to Prophet Mohammad, it was always met with fierce criticisms throughout the world - thanks to the overly short-tempered Muslims. This is probably the only reason why Muslims around the world deserve a round of applause.

To come to my point - it's not good to hurt anyone's religious beliefs. That's perhaps one of the reasons why I haven't watched the movie 'Da Vinci Code'. But what really baffles me is how many people went crazy over this movie. Had it been about Islam, the movie and the movie maker would've had a different fate altogether.

There has to be apoint where mockery about religion has to stop. And in that case, the fact that we, the Muslims, speak out at these mockeries when it comes to actually a good thing.

PS. But at the same time, it's us who do many things that are not allowed in the name of liberalism.
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