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Old June 4, 2009, 12:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Orpheus

Trust me, this information is more than anyone will ever know.

You know the cure to both baldness and acne is to cut your balls off. I am serious.
silly man speaks the truth but there are alternative ways...

for example: i used to have a lot of acne problem...BUT alhamdulillah, problem solved because i have been seriusly practicing Islam for the last 2 years...i make wudu(ablution) about 5 times a day so my skin(especially face) always stays washed and clean and i have greatly reduced this problem.

secondly, drink plenty of water recommended at least 8 glass a day...10 is desireable!

avoid oily foods(kinda hard to do having desi parents, but gotta fight it! ), eat plenty of UCONN(that's the university i go to) campus during session i used to eat 3 apples a day pleanty of fruits!

lastly, if you consistently apply what i said, Inshallah you will get will take doesn't go away overnight.

hopefully my advice has been helpful
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