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Old August 11, 2009, 11:44 AM
Aritro Aritro is offline
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Originally Posted by Fischer
Where exactly does the fun lie in when you are making a statistical comparison of a toddler (in terms of cricket played) to the veterans ? And I do not see any "wide gap" between the hysteria surrounding Shakib and Ashrafool as most of the supporters here think that Shakib is the ONLY solution to all the BD problems ( they thought back in 2005 for Ash).
I can't imagine why you've made a point of alluding to the fact that he's only a 'toddler' in comparision to the veterans when the preamble to the post quite clearly states that the stats only show the first 14 games of those veterans' careers.

I also can't imagine why you can't see the fun in an exercise which shows that one of our own lads measures quite creditably against the greats, within what never pruports to be anything other than a limited sample size.

As for the Ash/Shakib comparision, you said this:

Originally Posted by Fischer
You guys haven't learnt your lesson it seems. Where is the consortium that nick named Ashrfool as a the next tendulkar just because he showed an ability of playing back to back top knocks.
There is a certainly a wide gap between the enthusiasm surrounding a player who's been world class over a sustained period, and that surrounding a player whom by your own definition only 'showed an ability of playing back to back top knocks'.

You've clarified in your subsequent post that you drew the comparision because 'most of the supporters here think that Shakib is the ONLY solution to all the BD problems ( they thought back in 2005 for Ash)', but that wasn't clear in your original post.

I guess we'll put that down to misunderstanding.
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