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Old September 5, 2009, 03:58 PM
m m is offline
Club Cricketer
Join Date: September 8, 2004
Posts: 191

Originally Posted by Kabir
Sorry m, but in this thread you sound so much like 'Peace'.

Ok, let me try a bit to be different than ‘Peace’

“…in this thread…”: This implies that in other threads I sound different. So I characterize diversity, which is a beauty of life. So, thanks for the compliment!

“…sound so much like ‘Peace’…”: When you try to trade a block of thoughts with another, by saying “…sound so much like…”, it may, among others, mean one or more of the following:
1. The tone is same.
2. The arguments are incomplete or unsound in a similar fashion.
3. The arguments are sound in a similar fashion.
If it is #1 then I am responsible.
If it is #2 then it is firstly your failure, for not being able to enunciate the unsoundness, and potentially my failure, in case my arguments really are unsound. And the onus is on you to enunciate the unsoundness rather than shooting a generalized comment.
If it is #3 then it is your failure, for not being able to enunciate the soundness, and potentially my success, in case my arguments really are sound. And you need not sweat further, cuz I would rather not unearth any hidden unsoundness in my apparently sound arguments.

“Sorry m…”: This is ominous. Sounds like whatever similarity you have found with the poor guy “Peace”, is not all that excitable and it rather pushes towards the #2 above. But then, I have already laid out the drill for you.

“…like ‘Peace’”: That’s quite ambiguous. Peace sounds good, but not so sure about ‘Peace’. Ok, so it’s a person. And even though I remember seeing this nick around and reading his posts, can’t exactly remember this guy conjuring up a whole paradigm, that another paradigm can be compared with. But I will go with the more amiable implication of it. After all, this thread was meant for peace

Ok, now don’t bother to respond to the above. It was just an attempt to be different than ‘Peace’. Peace!

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