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Old March 13, 2020, 02:38 PM
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Rifat Rifat is offline
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Join Date: March 30, 2007
Location: Connecticut
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For me, I always washed my hands before Eating, be in a state of wudu before making Salaah, Always took shower before leaving for work...I Drink Honey with Matcha Tea every morning, Alhamdulillah! I lost 60 pounds in the last 2/3 years through Intermittent Fasting and Keto and Healthy Eating. I try my best to only eat organic food. Every time I go shopping, I always buy in bulk with cheaper price... So for me not too much lifestyle change as of COVID-19 or after it except Working from home due to Company Advice which we are all obliged to follow. I still attend Masjid for Daily Salaah Alhamdulillah.

The reality is we don't know too much about the Covid-19 Virus, so society always panics against something unknown, like Allah's Messenger SalAllahu A'laihe wasallam said, there is cure for every disease, so like I said, give it time, take your precautions and wait for Scientists + Billionaires to work towards a proper cure, inshaAllah things will be back to "normal" soon. just give it some time like a few months maybe.

As RazabQ used to say,

- As Myself!
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