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Old May 30, 2007, 10:53 PM
mafizraju mafizraju is offline
ODI Cricketer
Join Date: June 1, 2004
Posts: 966

I dont know, why we always try to standarize the salary againt government one. You will get best result by attracting the most. So a 1st class contract has to be lucrative enough to beat even the best of salaries. Govt job is not a very desired job for most talanted one, one of the main reasons being its inablity to meet ends need. Given BCB can afford (not only financially) they have to atleast match with private sector. This is important. The salary and other facilities structure has to be clearly done for 2nd, third and school based cricket also. We have to make kids comfortable with pitches and it has to start from school. School cricket should be held in lively pitches.

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