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Old December 16, 2004, 08:05 PM
fab fab is offline
Test Cricketer
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Default Psychological effect of supporting a continually losing team (old 2004 thread)

Thanks to our cricket team we'll all become pessimistic and impotent losers!

Living vicariously through sports teams: is it healthy?

Dr. Hirt studied fans of Big Ten basketball and found that those with an allegiance to a particular team felt better about their own abilities and sex appeal when their team won. After a loss, fans were far more pessimistic about their chances of making a free throw, completing word games and snagging a date.
"People can go to games together, they watch broadcasts together, talk and commiserate on the radio or through email or play fantasy sports together ," he explains.
Those who feel a strong connection with the team tend to feel angry, upset or depressed.

"For a day or two, it puts you kind of down in the dumps," says Dr. Wann, "but within a short time, the vast majority bounce back."
The symptoms are there. You have been warned
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