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Old March 6, 2015, 12:58 PM
iDumb iDumb is offline
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Originally Posted by Nafi
Ouch, why were you getting married if you didnt even have a job that could pay for a ring. Couldnt you and her have waited?
I could have.. she couldn't. Now I understand, she didn't want to lose me, it was that fear probably.

I got married without having a i pretty much looked at whatever savings that i had at that time ( any income i ever made..which isn't a lot) and they were all invested in the stock market..

She had job for few years already so she took care of significant costs of the whole process but i still had to do the minimal that I was supposed to...

I am not sure if i will see the opportunity that was presented to me in my lifetime again that was gifted to me in 2008 crash......

When I calculate the opportunity cost and I can pretty much say I have made the biggest mistake of my life that time...

in my opinion expensive wedding, jewelry, rings etc etc these are all are unnecessary waste and do not add to happiness....

think of your life as a business, when u start out your business, you always aim for growth and whatever money u generate u put it back in business until it is matured and becomes a cash cow... your 20s are a startup business.. why would u waste your money on wedding and all the other nonsense in late 20s and start all over again? makes no sense.....

THe above do not apply if you were born into a wealthy family then ur life is a fairy tale....hard part is to find the girl that's not after ur money... us poor ppl don't have at least that problem thankfully.
Life is short. Have an affair.
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