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Old October 5, 2007, 07:44 AM
Dhruvo Dhruvo is offline
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Originally Posted by Sohel NR

Thank you for this excellent thread.

I will talk about the most incredible moment in my life. A moment that defies easy classification as either “terrifying” or “ecstatic” …

An intense spiritual/intellectual/physical experience somewhat "out of the blue" that led to my real, willful submission to Allah at the age of 20 in 1987.

My friend Chris Issak was teaching I was me to surf in Ocean Beach, San Francisco. I was having incredible difficulty with the ice cold water gnawing at every inch of my body right through the wet-suit, and trying to stand up on the board without any success. After wiping out and hitting my head against the board for perhaps the 20th time, suddenly I felt like an integral part of everything around me. For those few, indescribably vivid moments I could no longer distinguish anything other than an ecstatic sort of super consciousness outside of myself as something apart from me or my body. I was every molecule of all the known and unknown elements that surrounded me with immense clarity. It became abundantly clear to me that everything was deliberately engineered and created by Allah and I empathized with everything and everyone. My spirit, intellect and every cell in my body acted as one and reassured me that everything is alright and worthy of the love Allah has accorded me in this life.

Chris dragged me ashore. Back on the beach, I just broke down, totally overwhelmed by the beauty and love around me, and cried the purest tears of gratitude to Allah for dispensing such grace upon one of his many creations, and submitted willfully to Him as his grateful slave. The Holy Quraan made perfect sense to like never before. Since that day I have been Salat-obsessed.

Much later, while doing my Masters in psychology, I found out about the miracle of what is known as the "GOD Spot" in our brains ... go figure.

Take care bro.

Peace, Sohel.
thank you alot for sharing this wonderful moment of yours,great post btw.
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