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Old February 10, 2005, 01:10 PM
Pundit Pundit is offline
Join Date: August 17, 2002
Location: Virginia, USA
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i've seen 5th graders, and they were not failures.
As players or students ?

i dont think they cared abt the grades. Aftab's big brother arif was a good player as he was one of our top batsman. So it was easy for aftab to get into the team at such young age.
Grades - no, but failing a whole class twice in a row such that you become big brother in the same class.

But I'm talking about the Nirman in the 80s, so rules may have changed.

English medium schools have folks in their 5th grade with an age of 15 + -----> folks who make that late and painful transition from Bangla ---> English medium.
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