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Old December 19, 2003, 12:55 AM
Shubho Shubho is offline
Cricket Legend
Join Date: September 20, 2002
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My point still stands: you can't police everybody...we've got to stop making the government the boogeyman for everything. But then, that's a very Bangladeshi trait...I can't say I've been free of that syndrome either. I guess what I'm trying to make clear to you is we should point the finger at ourselves first. Furthermore, a people get the government they deserve. The people in power today are just a reflection of our society as a whole. Face it, we're all a bunch of crooks and cronies. How many times have you seen an overloaded rickshaw in Dhaka (that was meant for not more than two persons)? How many times have you had to pay "baksheesh"? How many people do you know that got a place in the workforce, at uni, at school or even at kindergarten based on merit? Dude, our society is like that. We've got to change something fundamental...blaming the government just ain't gonna cut it.
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