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Old June 6, 2009, 07:01 AM
BD-Shardul BD-Shardul is offline
Join Date: October 16, 2006
Location: Doha, Qatar
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I want India to want India built this Dam and kill thousands from my country. Why?

The BAL is continuously saying that there is no problem India building the dam and their experts will look in the environmental issue, if their is any. The so called "Shushil shomaj" and "budhdhijibi mohol" are also supporting the construction of this dam by remaining silent.

On the other hand, BNP could have done nothing to prevent India from building this dam even if they were in power. They are now making noise to stir up a political issue against BAL.

While BAL is always happy whatever India does, and BNP always opposes India, neither party thinks sincerely about our people, our environment and our country and do not have the guts to take such issues to international courts to preserve the right of 150 million people.

So, Go India. Build the dam.

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