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Old December 14, 2012, 09:44 PM
iDumb iDumb is offline
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Originally Posted by One World
How ironic it may sound but there is some truth in the post above......children, which is not really happening as they both are addicts and alcoholics.
I don't think kids doing some marijuana and drinking is the end of the world. There is one thing God bless you with, that is there, the brain.

If the kids are smart, they would be able to do everything, party, drink, marijuana and will end up being really really successful.

The problem is with average, below average kids.... these ppl need proper guidance, otherwise they kinda get lost in the wrong crowd and then blame society and expect us to take care of them with food stamps and free rent because they are entitled to it as a human being.... same human being that have no problem stabbing us for a quarter.
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