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Old August 18, 2004, 03:30 PM
billah billah is offline
Join Date: September 5, 2003
Posts: 5,364

Dear coolheels: "India making dams that are creating havoc in India" is a fact supported by top Indian scientists. I'm sorry, can't help if you are not well-read on the subject, in this case, it would indeed be surprising.

"India on the verge of breakup" - I never said it , you did. Typical indian style in putting words in other people's mouth.

Another fact, India is still an aid taker indeed.

"Indian Government's policies were as foolish" - I never said it, you did. Typical propaganda style. I did however said, India exports terrorism to it's neighbor, I also said that thousands of farmers in India are commiting suicide in protest of poverty and taxation as recently as today. I also said India has violent race riots regularly. All are facts. Please step up and agrue them. Don't try the eyewash with your words.

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