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Old February 3, 2009, 11:18 AM
thebest thebest is offline
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Originally Posted by BANFAN
ICL is also asking for permission but not being given so far. That's what they are fighting for, with ICC/BCCI.
When did ICL sought permission from BCB before creating Dhaka Loosers. They may or may not appoint A$$thefool as their agent to recruit the turncoats. When A$$ refused they found the perfect MirJafar SN (who BTW thinks playing ICL is the best thing that happens to him, representing your country is the best thing happen to you, fool) to create the team. BCB was officially in dark in the whole period.
So support Dhaka Loosers as much as you want but don't spread lie. The only one who is victim of ICL saga is Bond who sought permission from the board and was given permission from the board; then NZCB back stabbed him. Even in this case ICL did not sought permission from NZCB. On the other hand to get contract from IPL one have to provide NOC from respective board. BTW I am not a BCCI fan; but ICL is not Karry Packer (at least Packer has the best players). Of the ICLers only Bond deserves his place in the team without question.
Twenty20 is not a gentleman's game. It's like a one-night stand and not a marriage. It is a street format and the goonda doesn't know what is a late cut or a cover drive
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