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Old August 5, 2011, 09:46 AM
ehsan2012 ehsan2012 is offline
Street Cricketer
Join Date: August 2, 2011
Posts: 10

Yes, the private sector is worse. How dare they they keep their own hard earned money and not pour it down the government drain. How dare our dear Chatra League polapain not get their pocket money for tea and biscuits. Shut down Qubee and Banglalion, Grameen Phone, and others. How dare they charge money for the service they provide, how dare they make a profit. They should provide service for free, for our great socialist nation.

Interesting fact, before '71 we used to manufacture Honda motorcycles, handled by Atlas. After '71 mismanagement and corruption destroyed it. Nowadays we import Honda motorcycles ... from Pakistan.
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