Thread: Financial News
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Old September 24, 2017, 11:40 PM
iDumb iDumb is offline
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cont of my easrlier life advice: (if daddy not rich)

During my residency my average yearly salary was ~65K equating to around 1650 to 1700 biweekly paycheck. I deferred max (16k to 17.5k) to 403b (i was the only one doing it in my class - ppl didn't even know it was possible to do it) and saw a paycheck of ~1250 biweekly - you know what that did to my standard of living? absolutely NADA.

i still spent money on beer, dinner (some were free courtesy of drug compnaies :p), travelling. Some of the other guys were desperate for money the end day of graduation and I still had savings...and I dont' think I am one of those penny pinching chep a$$ guys either...

this was the key.. they lived in Manhattan with rent north of 2000 monthly for a room. I took the train a bit further and paid 1000 for one full bedroom. didnt have a car. no other expense really .. and home cooked food cost is pretty cheap.

Not getting married will help you to live in the shittiest (but cheapest) possible neighborhood or your mom's basement...if you can minimize/eliminate your housing cost at 20s - you are GOLD!!

So anyone who says they don't make enough to save.. I can proof them wrong that they can.

instead most 20 year old gets a brand new BMW the moment they get their first job...sad. just 10 years of quality savings at 20s is gonna make a significant difference in future.
Life is short. Have an affair.
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