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Old June 28, 2005, 12:10 PM
chinaman chinaman is offline
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So you wanted to know about chinaman? But are you really ready for it? Well I'll try to give a glimpse of him from the unpublished note of Ibne Botuta.

Cinaman was still a chinaboy at that time. And Botuta would swear by the name of Mohammad Ikhteyar bin Bokhtiar Kheeljy that the name has more to do with left than the land of China. After all, what good was there for a china if everything went right?

So, he was the prince of his domain and was always busy on the go. Tired of running after him, mom summoned him to spend the evening inside the room while she would be polishing her china collection. Then it happened. You know, the itty bitty tiny innocent kind. But the boy made a similar vocal sound in a futile attempt to trick mom. It was never easy to fool those ever present species most unscientifically termed mom. Chinaboy had to carry the shame a long long way, all by himself. At times the evening cricket would offer him kind solace but he remained captive of a fateful moment untill the day his own offspring offered him the same trick. Suddenly a huge burden was relieved and he became a free man again. According to Botuta's footnote, chainaman was last known to be enjoying cricket like never before.

Edited on, June 29, 2005, 3:05 PM GMT, by chinaman.
Reason: decency. very sorry about it
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