Thread: Power of mind
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Old March 29, 2005, 10:22 PM
imtiaz82 imtiaz82 is offline
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Here you go,(I have given the names and a brief quote from a few of them..)

1)Stephen Jay Gould, the Harvard biologist calls this lack of gradual change in the fossil record the "trade secret" of modem paleontology.

2)Richard Goldschmidt, a leading geneticist who taught at Berkeley, spent years observing the mutations of fruitflies and concluded that biologists had to give up Darwin's idea that an accumulation of "micro" changes creates new species. If you have a thousand-point mutation in the genes of a fruit fly, a statistical impossibility, it is still a fruit fly.

oldschmidt pointed out that if natural selection were the mechanism for major changes in species, then every intermediate form must be useful to the organism. This problem of explaining the usefulness of incipient organs--five percent of an eye, for example--has been a persistent problem for Darwinists.

3)Otto Schindewolf, the great German paleontologist and anti-Darwinist, rejected out of hand the idea that transitional forms could be found or even imagined

4) Hans Driesch in Germany, Lucien Cuenot in France, and Vernon Kellog and T.H. Morgan in America-biologists and geneticists with international reputations-all rejected Darwin's theory.

5)Skepticism about Darwin's theory is more widespread among scientists than is generally supposed. For example, the theory is rejected by most French biologists, including the most eminent, the late Pieffe R Grasse, president of the French Academy of Sciences and editor of the 28 volumes of the Traite de Zoologie, who calls Darwinism a "pseudo-science" that is "either in conflict with reality or cannot solve the basic problems.

Originally posted by Arnab

Please do. I am looking for names of prominent biologists that have been working in a biology field within the last 50 years.

Edited on, March 30, 2005, 3:23 AM GMT, by nayeem007.
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