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Old June 30, 2011, 11:09 PM
asdfjkl asdfjkl is offline
Join Date: December 8, 2006
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Default Ramadan in Alaska

Originally Posted by Banglaguy
During travel, it is haram to fast during ones travel.

According to Islamic sharia, a traveler is normally a person who travels from his home to another town or place with the intention of staying there for less than 10 days.
Fasting by a traveler during the month of Ramadan is haram.
If you start your journey after Zawal time (Islamic mid-day) in Ramadan, then it is wajib to complete fasting for that day.
If you start your journey before Zawal time in Ramadan, then it is wajib to start fast on that day, and then your fast will automatically break after you have traveled a certain distance from your home town.
If you were traveling, and you return to your home (or arrive at a place where you are going to stay for 10 days or more) after Zawal time (Islamic mid-day) in Ramadan, then you can not fast on that day, but it is Mustahab to respect fasting on that day. You have to do Qaza fast for that day and all fasts missed during traveling.
If you were traveling, and you return to your home (or arrive at a place where you are going to stay for10 days or more) before Zawal time (Islamic mid-day) in Ramadan, and if you have not done anything which breaks fast, then it is wajib to keep fast for that day. However if you have
done anything which breaks fast, then you can not fast on that day, but it is Mustahab to respect fasting on that day, and you have to do Qaza fast for that day afterwards.
If you are a traveler during the month of Ramadan, and staying somewhere for less than 10 days, then you can not keep even any other fast (Mustahab fast or Qaza fast of previous Ramadan) during those days.
Sometimes you have to fast 22 hours if you live in some place in Alaska. Is there any leniency for long hour fasting?